Misc Tab



Procedures - Misc Tab

On the Procedure Info window, the Misc tab shows options for Medicaid and Public Health.

Billing Type 1/2: Only visible if Medicaid is turned on in Show Features.  Billing Types can be manually set per procedure in order to flag procedures for inclusion in custom reports.

Prognosis:  Prognosis is not used by most offices, although it may be required in some states.  If it is required to show on the treatment plan, then use Display Fields to add a prognosis column to the Treatment Plan module main grid.  To speed entry, prognosis can be set when Entering Treatment. Options can be customized in Definitions, Prognosis.

Site:  The Site where the procedure was done.  Only visible if Public Health is turned on in Show Features. Click [...] to select.

Place of Service: Indicate the service location type.  Only visible if Public Health is turned on in Show Features.  When a procedure is set complete, the Default Proc Place of Service for the Practice is used.  It can then be changed if needed. 

If using Clinics, the clinic default will override the practice default when 1) an appointment is set complete or 2) the procedure is right-clicked in the Chart module and Set Complete. The clinic used to determine the default is the one associated with the appointment that the procedure is attached to.  The practice default place of service will be used if the procedure is not attached to an appointment, or is set complete any other way.

Billing Note: Shows on Statements.